Prep: Mix a solution of white vinegar and distilled water (this is the cleaning solution) the ratio is 1 part vinegar to 8 parts water, which is close enough to 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a 1C of distilled water. This should be enough cleaner for 1 machine and still keep the pump happy.
Why distilled water? Well distilled water has it's minerals removed. Minerals are bad for fog machines as they tend to coat the inside of the tube, reducing it's diameter and therfore reducing the fogger's output.
Rinse the Fluid tank out with distilled water.
Pour the cleaning solution into the fluid tank.
Take the fogger outside.
Plug in the fogger and allow it to heat up.
When the fogger is ready, run it until it stops. Try and avoid inhaling the vapor, I'm sure it's bad for you. Repeat until you run out of solution or patience. I would estimate that 10 cycles should be enough.
The output should start off as thick white smoke and slowly become a very thin haze over the many cycles.
Unplug the fogger and rinse the fluid tank out with distilled water.
Refill the tank with distilled water. About a half cup if you're going to use the fogger for fogging soon or about a half tank if you plan on storing the unit.
Take the fogger outside again (If you're not already there).
Plug the fogger in and allow it to heat up.
When the fogger is ready, run it until it stops. Try and avoid inhaling the vapor , I'm sure it's bad for you. Repeat at least 5 times. You should do more cycles if it still smells like vinegar. You have to get all the vinegar out of the fogger.
PUA routines are canned and scripted material that pick up artists use to pickup girls and hone their skills. PUA routines have a bad rap for being mechanical and robotic, but many see them as valuable training wheels for learning the structure and flow of the game.Having a couple of good routines rehearsed can also improve one's confidence in social situations, and provide good conversation. 6 Great Pickup Artist Routines That Work. By Jesse Charger. A great way to build social value is through stories and pickup artist routines. Planned stories and pickup artist routines free up your mind to focus on other things. Like a computer, your brain only has so many clock cycles spare. May 10, 2012 Skip trial 1 month free. Find out why Close. PUA Routine Training (01). (PUA Style) - AMAZING Eliciting. PUA Routines: Laugh Your Way into a Woman's Heart. Best pua training. PUA routines are an essential part of any pick up artists bag of tools. This section will serve as an A to Z of all the best field tested routines that will include both opening routines and DHV routines. We’ll be adding 5 new routines a week for the coming months to give you a massive amount of material that you can try out while sarging. The Absolute Best PUA Books In PDF Format. Each and every year, the aggregate data involving PUA books in pdf on the internet becomes bigger and bigger just like any other information found out there. The quantity of information that is produced now is far much more than what was generated ten to twenty years ago.
Chauvet DJ FC-5 Wireless Remote for F-650 FX-800 F Enables wireless remote control of compatible Chauvet foggers and bubble machines. Works with Chauvet F-650, FX-800, F-1050, and B-250 effects. CHAUVET - FX-800 - Precision - 700 Watt Fogger w/ Wired Remote. Menu CHAUVET Lighting LAMPS & BULBS Mic Accessories Mic Stands Microphones Music: Links: First Page About Us Product List Check Out. Manual fog button; Wired remote included OPTIONAL CONTROLLERS; Timer Remote (FC-4).
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