Keycraft Download Wc3 Maphack

10.09.2019by admin
Warcraft 3 maphack download

A maphack for Warcraft 3 1.24d. WC3 sets the visibility of the map every frame via a call to memset that looks like:

By changing the push 0 instruction to push 0fh, we reveal all the squares on the map. This method will cause a desync in multiplayer games.

Notes: • Use official Garena client, Don't use any Garena Crack/hack to use this maphack Crack war3.exe download. • If you have any problems or found any bugs please post a comment! Crack war3.exe download. Free garena maphack 1.24e 2013 is ready to be downloaded To Download Warcraft III Frozen Throne 1.24e Maphack (Garena, III Hack 100%. This is the Warcraft 3 AutoHotkey download page. AuthoHotkey is a WC3 tool, that allows you to setup extra hotkeys for Warcraft 3 – for items, chat commands and more! Info: We published a newer Warcraft 3 Customkeys guide here, that we recommend.(WC3 Customkeys + Inventory Keys) Warcraft 3 AutoHotkey Download. Warcraft 3 is an old game and sometimes limited in it’s functions.

The injector was written in C++ and compiled with VS6 but should compile with any modern C++ compiler.

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The hack was written in mASM and needs to be linked as a dll. To do this:

Originally written 2010/02/16 by attilathedud.


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Related Addresses

Warcraft 3 Maphack Download

The following are a list of addresses all related to drawing functions:

Addresses are for patch 1.24c. To translate to patch 1.24d, simply add 60h to each address.