Mazhavil Manorama Comedy Festival Team Stars Of Cochin Comedy Videos Free Download

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Queen: A Good Attempt

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josepainumkal5 March 2018
:I have seen many movies that were set in campus background. Queen outshines all of them with the seriousness of the topic that it discusses. One cannot simply watch and forget it, especially the second half. The first half of the movie is pretty ordinary with usual campus and hostel life comedies, whereas the second half is sufficient enough to evoke some serious thoughts in the minds of viewers regarding the serious social issue that we face in our society. The acting of the artists who played the student characters was average (sometimes even below average), whereas Salim Kumar and Nandhu gave a top-class performance in this movie. The songs were brilliant and convey the feel of the movie very well. Overall, Queen is definitely an above average flick that deserves a watch.
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Movie dedicated to malayalee society
dudeograph4 March 2018
This movie delivers a very strong message... I am a man and I felt so sad that women are quite oppressed in our society... Women are oppressed to the level that even women don't recognize it... I hope our society would change very soon so that all women in Kerala can live, travel and feel safe in Gods Own Country!!
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If you enjoy good movies, DON'T WATCH THIS!!
susanchac29 March 2018
I don't review many movies but I am going to review this one. It was rubbish. It was so bad. And so, so annoying. The plot was just so weird. It was so all over the place. First half was all friendship and college and the second half was a crime thriller. It all felt so forced.Don't even get me started on the lead female character. Her name is Chinnu. You know how I know? Because she wouldn't stop referring to herself every 15 seconds. Even her friends didn't use her name as much as she did. . It's bad enough when children in movies refer to themselves in third person. Even more so when an adult does it. SO ANNOYING!!! Also, that character is the trope I hate the most - the manic pixie dream girl. Seriously. no woman behaves that way in real life. It's nice if you have a positive attitude but she is acts like she is literally high. Also, so much overacting. Why are movies still using this trope. Why can't she just act like a regular college student? I've taught over 500 students and I guarantee you, not one of those women behaved like this.I actually skipped through the movie because it was so annoying. The climax sequence was pretty good. Salim Kumar did a good job and that message should get out to everyone. But his character was very heavily inspired by Amitabh Bachan's character in Pink. And the stuff they talked about was also similar to what was portrayed in Pink.Everything else in the movie can be ignored and buried forever.
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Important and funny
Jithindurden4 March 2018
College nostalgia mixed with social commentary that touches upon a lot of issues that are not properly represented in Malayalam cinema. Though not without its flaws in some situations and dialogues solely for proving a point that doesn't feel organic with the whole picture and a little bit of Royal Mech glorification. But all of that can be overlooked for a debutant director who has managed to make a well made entertaining film with responsibility. The last punchline and some parts do point out some of the misplaced sense of responsibility due to the ingrained patriarchy but it comes from honest and well-intentioned reasons. I can clearly understand that some people will absolutely love this film while others will absolutely hate it.
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It was entertaining .....
PimpinAinttEasy15 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins with the kidnapping and rape of a woman at a remote bus stop on a rainy day. But the action immediately shifts to the inauguration of a new Mechanical engineering batch at a college. The batch is filled entirely with boys. The usual bunch of cliched characters, seen in most college campus movies are introduced - the fat glutton, the goofy guy, the brooding hero and a muscular boy. Their ragging at the hands of seniors, life at the hostel etc form a good part of the first half before the arrival of a girl student. While there is a lot of jealousy in the beginning as the boys fight for the girls attention, everyone accepts the girl as a friend and they all turn into one large gang of asexual youngsters motivated purely by platonic love and friendship :) The girl becomes a part of the boy's gang and one of the most popular students in the college.
When their girl friend is harmed, the boys take the law into their own hands.
Queen is another one of those sensory assault movies (like Happy Wedding). There are a lot of fast cuts, excessive use of background music, slow motions and slapstick humor. The audience with whom I watched the movie would often break into loud cheering and clapping whenever there was a joke. The predominantly young crowd identified with the antics of the college kids in the movie. It is the perfect film for the attention deficit Whatsapp generation. The film was entertaining for the most part. It may be thought of as a collection of Whatsapp videos and chain jokes strung together with contemporary issues like women's rights and sexual violence. While I enjoyed most of it (just like I enjoy Whatsapp forwards), the film was a touch too long and the heroine contracting cancer before the interval was quite cringeworthy.
Dhruvan who plays Balu made quite an impression on me. I am sure we will see more of him in the future. Ashwin Jose as Muneer got a lot of laughs. Salim Kumar had some of the film's best scenes and dialogs.
I would recommend it, if you have nothing better to do. It is not a great work of art. I am not trying to sound elitist. I appreciate the director's audacity in making a college campus comedy, that turns into a vigilante thriller and ends as a court room drama. I was entertained for the most part. I rated it a 3/10 because I think the current 8/10 rating is way too high.
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A Disappointment despite the Comedy & the Performances
mb145628 January 2018
Queen is a debut movie for the director, writers and also for the lead actors in the cast if I'm not mistaken like Dhruvan, Eldho Mathew, Ashwin Jose, Jenson Alappat etc. All of them have shown good potential here. There are some hilarious dialogues & moments throughout the movie and some really good performances especially from Saniya Iyappan who emotes effortlessly and is the life of the movie. I felt they could have given her more dance moves in the hit song Podipaarana as she has proven herself as an excellent dancer in shows like D4 dance in Mazhavil Manorama. It could have helped that song to be more popular, and in turn the success of the movie. Some of the major actors who play her classmates & buddies in the movie also give good support like Dhruvan as Balan(with more movies, he can do well as a hero), Eldho Mathew as Eldho(good but struggles in heavy emotional scenes), Arun Das as Jaban, Ashwin Jose as Kooli, Jenson Alappat as Madapravu or Sooraj Kumar as Varkichan - the last four especially are really funny. Veteran actors also make their presence felt here like Salim Kumar as advocate Mukundan(excels in the court scenes), Vijayaraghavan as the college principal or Sreejith Ravi as a minister. There's also good suspense, songs are also pleasant to hear and the editing was also smoothly done.
Despite all the good work, I am quite annoyed by some aspects of the story which lacked sensitivity. Dhruvan delivers a patronising line in the climax, which in my opinion, undid or contradicts any women-centric messages in Queen until that point and could make critics even label this movie as sexist. Also in many scenes, disability of a character(he's unable to speak) is openly mocked which is a big NO, even if they may look funny. They also contradict those moments in the story where our lead guys come together to help their college be more disable friendly.
Verdict - Good suspense & performances, funny, nice songs but just few scenes can spoil the impression of an entire movie unfortunately...
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Fails to impress!
trodopsajy3 February 2018
After getting a lot of good reviews from my friend's circle, I decided to give a try for this one. But it was not a good move. I can say that the first 30 minutes Jebin Joseph Antony took us through our college life and enjoyed those moments.Queen made disappointed very well and she was overacting. The last 30 minutes was the satisfying part of this film and it was well presented by Salim Kumar and Sreejith Ravi. However, it's an average movie and only recommend for college students :-)
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Capsule Review: Queen
TejasNair18 March 2018
Today, a lot of filmmakers have a lot of things to say through cinema. A perfect example of such unregulated, uncontrolled puking of everything one has to say through a single film is what Dijo Jose Antony's Queen is. A college drama, a political crime whodunit, a social message, a courtroom drama, and even bits of romance - it is a rehash of everything you saw on the silver screen in the past few years. Queen narrates the inconsistent story of a group of sexist Mechanical Engineering students with nothing better than loafing to do, whose lives change for the good when a female student joins their batch. Logic is out of the window at every juncture of this vapid plot that is as haphazardly written as it is executed. Random sequences with no cohesion in the plot line, hard attempt at humor, and cringeworthy elements make up debut director Antony's overlong and slightly annoying feature film. A jack of all trades, it ejaculates its core message after engaging in foreplay for more than 2 hours. That is what makes Queen a messy failure because it never sticks to a single theme. A melange of multiple genres that never follows a structure - a song here, a sub-story arc there - it does not even conclude a sequence before starting another. The writing is poor, but thankfully the energetic cast make up for it. Not fully developed, they still do a decent job at portraying familiar characters with a cause. If the first half is a charged-up film about college and students intended for the loafing Y generation of today's Kerala, then the second half is for their sisters and unscrupulous brothers. To quote someone on Reddit, Queen is a premature remake of Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury's 2016 hit film 'Pink'. Even if you are a masterful navigator, this is going to wreck you. TN.
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Best Film ..
akassh-048555 May 2018
This Film Is Attractive In Many Ways.The First Half Of The Film which is 1 - hour long is the highlight of the film.They've Said All About The Mech. Branch.Right From Their Smiling Faces to their department fights...We Can Just Watch the film for this thing...The Department Fight Scene Is AWESOME in all aspects From The Expressions of the actors to the BGM....It will Give GooseBumps..
I am Giving 9/10 Because Of The Overacting Of THE QUEEN and the serious and dull second half...
Saniya Iyyapan Who've acted as the MECH QUEEN is bad everywhere..She's Just Overdoing Her Role.....
The Second Half Is The Place where we'll miss the fun of mech branch boysBUT ANYHOW,You Can Watch The Once and the 1-HOUR First Half can be watched as many times as you can because IT IS AWESOME
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Good Movie with a Good Message
ashritha-5038215 March 2018
Considering that it is the debut movie of director and most of them are new faces, movie can be rated very good. Felt that actress overacted a bit in first part. The message conveyed is too good. Any women, any where, any time, is not an opportunity, but responsibility of a Man to keep her safe. God has designed Man to be protector of Women, not destroyer. Great movie to watch.
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Excellent movieWarning: Spoilers
Many of the movies that we watch these days turns to be pure entertainment stuff. In this regard Queen stands different. It has perfect mix of Comedy , college life , youth , politics and the unfortunate reality that political goons control the media and police registered cases in India.
All the characters, the new comers have displayed exceptional performance which proves that a good story line and good efforts will make it par with other lead actors in the film Industry. First part of the movie revolves around the campus and and the funny controversies when a girl join s mechanical Engineering which is normally a boys only branch. Second part gets a bit serious over the death of the mech queen following brutal rape and the political involvement of goons in same and how easily an advocate and politicians turns the evidences to be used against the victim by portraying her as a 'wrong girl' due to the fact that she tried to enjoy a bit freedom. The movie raises questions about the moral policing and prejudice present in General mentality of people about ' what time is right and wrong for a girl to get out, which action would be interpreted as illicit relationship ' ...
Overall the movie came out exceptionally well. All the best to the team and expect more concrete works from them in future
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Mazhavil Manorama Comedy Festival Team Stars Of Cochin Comedy Videos Free Download

It is an awesome movie if watched without reading spoilers
user-10-6245767 September 2018
I usually don't write reviews, but the current reviews here do not do justice to this movie. I strongly recommend you stay away from reading here and just go and watch the movie with a blank mind.
If you are reading this, and you have not yet watched this movie, then you have already known so much details about the plot of this movie that it wouldn't be as interesting for you as if you had watched it without reading anything about it.
I didn't knew this movie exist. I didn't know the plot. I knew nothing about it. The only reason I watched was because my sister and I wanted to watch a movie together(we often do), and she suggested to keep this one because she heard good stuff about it from her friends. She herself also didn't knew the plot.
I was not at all interested firstly by thinking that it would be a typical 'girls targeted' movie and said we will keep it for 30 mins and then you can watch it on your own later. When the movie started, I thought it would be same as the several low quality movies set in campus background. In the beginning, it was giving that ambience of those type movies with cliche dialogues and scenes, however within 15 minutes, I got hooked into the plot.
Even though several initial scenes were cliche type, the plot does not confirm to your imaginations. You expect this will be the next thing which is going to happen, but then it isn't. There are lot of unexpected twists and turns for even small things in the story. So, if you try to predict the plot, you will not be able to do it and that is one of the best things about this movie. I have watched so many movies and never got so much 'unpredictability' in most of the movies.
I loved that most of the actors, directors and crew are new faces and not the typical common actors. The one thing I hate about this movie is that the 'plot' written in the google search page spoils everything about this movie. That is a huge spoiler. I think Google got that paragraph from IMDB, but now IMDB realised the mistake and changed it...
Another thing I like is that this movie has so much content stuffed into it that you get a long story which touches so many different topics, but it still manages to connect everything together very well. You will realize this connections only after watching the entire movie.
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