Ti 84 Plus Doom Game Download

11.09.2019by admin

Want games and programs on your TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator? TI Connect CE. 17 rows  TI DooM v1.3 This is a game totally in 3D based on DooM. It is quite fast, you can found 3 different weapons: the pistol, the shotgun and the chaingun, there are 2 different enemies with their own animation. This game is really great! It is one of the best doom-likes programmed in Basic for the TI-83(+). And there are 10 levels! Download it!!!

The age-old joke in the gaming scene goes something like this: If you have a platform, there's a good chance that someone has tried to port iD Software's 1993 classic, 'Doom,' to the system. It's gone to the Dreamcast and the iPod, the Wii, and Adobe's Flash Player, and you can now count the grayscale backdrop of Texas Instruments' line of graphing calculators as the next step for Doom's nameless protagonist.

User 'DJ_O,' a self-identified, 24-year old male from Quebec, Canada who posts on the Omnimaga graphing calculator coding board, has released a video of a full-fledged Doom port running on a Texas Instruments Nspire device. The unique thing about this variant of the game is that it's, quite literally, Doom – unlike some 'Doom' versions, running on legacy calculators like the TI-83, which try to offer a reinterpretation of the game that's designed to fit the device's lesser hardware specs.

No, 'nDoom,' as dubbed by its creator, 'Mrakoplaz,' is Doom just as you'd find it on any conventional PC—minus sound and music, obviously, and using the 16 different shades of gray capable of being output by the Nspire's 320-by-240 pixel screen.

The only catch is that nDoom only runs for about 30 seconds or so before crashing the calculator. That's a bit less than even the fastest level completion times given by the best Doom speed-runners, so don't expect to be able to make much progress in the title in its current incarnation. Mrakoplaz is designing the port to be able to execute any .WAD (modification) that the game's PC version would be able to handle, but there's been no indication that nDoom will any of the game's famous cheat codes in any variety.

The TI-Nspire runs with 16 megabytes of operating memory alongside a 90 MHz processor—not a lot of overhead for much gaming, but clearly enough for one of the scene's classic titles. Be sure to check out the video of Mrakoplaz's work below:

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A version of DooM for the TI-84 CE, written in C.

Ti 84 Plus Software Download


Requires the 'Standard' CE Libraries.



A 'port' of the classic game DooM to the TI-84 CE, written in pure C. Use the numberpad to move and rotate the camera, and 2nd to quit the game. Up and down change the FOV, while left and right change the resolution. Plus and minus change the wall height. The code is quite similar to my C# raycaster with a few changes, but renders at a fraction of the resolution. The only things implemented right now are rendering, movement, and simple collisions. The gun sprite used is from The Terminator: Rampage (I think), and was found here. The enemy sprite is from DOOM itself.


  • Fix holes that appear randomly on the back side of walls.
  • Implement AI/gameplay.
  • Implement map loading from AppVars
  • Implement saving and loading from file.
  • Interpolate between rays to smooth out render.
  • Make a map editor.
  • Possibly add sound if a suitable library for sound over the USB port exists.
  • Optimize.
  • Refactor, comment.


Game download for ti 84 plus ce doom

Building requires the CE C Software Development Kit. To compile, cd to the directory and run 'make' from the command line. Assuming that all of the headers are in the right place and also assuming the SDK has been installed correctly, you should see:

Ti 84 Plus Games Downloads

Copy the resulting DOOM.8xp file to the calculator (or emulator, CEmu works well for testing), and run it with Asm(prgmDOOM).